
Apply Now


While the application is relatively simple, work will need to be completed in advance. You are not able to save a partially completed application, so collect all information and required elements first. Partially completed applications will not be accepted or considered.

Required Information:

  • Personal information
  • A personal written essay (maximum 1,500 words) outlining why you are a deserving recipient. Topics and discussion points should include some of the following:
    • Who you are as a person – your interests and passions
    • Your academic and education goals
    • Challenges you face in your life
    • How hockey has contributed to your growth and development
    • How you give back to your community
    • Special consideration will be given to applicants that include how Pat Quinn and the Pat Quinn Classic has impacted them
  • Most recent report card or transcript
  • Acceptance of the Terms & Conditions outlined below
  • A reference letter from a leader in your community (principal, coach, faith leader etc.)
  • OPTIONAL: A video essay (no more than 3 minutes) communicating the above
  • OPTIONAL: Upload additional information to support the application

Terms & Conditions


  • Applicants must have participated in the 2023 Pat Quinn Classic, with their name on at least three game sheets and not received any disciplinary actions throughout the tournament.
  • Applicants must be registered to a U15 or U17 zone, academy or minor hockey team based in BC
  • Applicants must be a resident of British Columbia (BC)
  • Scholarships can only be used for costs related to post-secondary education
  • Scholarships must be deposited into an RESP and to be used for post-secondary at designated education institutions
  • Applicants can apply multiple years, however, applicants can only receive one scholarship.
  • All applicants’ personal information will be kept private. However, some personal details of the scholarship recipients will be made public in marketing and promotional materials.
  • Partially completed applications will not be considered
  • Applications close on January 15, 2024


  • Provide a handwritten thank you note to the Vancouver Canucks Alumni Association
  • Show proof the scholarship was deposited into an RESP
  • Agree that portions of the application can be used for marketing purposes for either the Pat Quinn Classic and/or the Vancouver Canucks Alumni Association